Sunil Kumar, the renowned author of the bestseller book, the first of the IIM series, the book - IIM (Influence Inspire Mesmerize), heads the HR Division of an attached officeof the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas serving as Additional Director (Human Resource and Coordination). He passionately serves the nation as a volunteer to the territorial army holding the prestigious rank of Major. He is also Chief Manager (HR)with the foremost Fortune 500 company of India - Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
An ardent disciple of Lord Shiva, Major Kumar is contributing immensely on all fronts for the positive energy centre, the new age innovative temple SarvShiv and upliftment of people in the nearby areas. He is an avid reader and a globe trotter.
About the Author
With the astounding success of IIM (Influence Inspire Mesmerize), the first book of the IIM Series, which made it to the Amazon top charts within a week of its release, along with the motivation from the readers and inspiration to elevate the professional world, enlightened the author further to come up with the second book - IIM (Illuminate Improvise Magnetize).
The first book, initially meant to instil management and life skills in professionals, was cherished more by the bright young learners owing to small inspirational stories and quick learning bytes. The book focused on innovative stories (Influence) instilling concepts for excellence in self-development skills (Inspire) signifying perfection in personal and professional space (Mesmerize) and truly achieved its objective over a wide age group across the globe.
Illuminate – Be the light 
 Improvise – Incremental growth 
 Magnetize – Make a difference
The most appreciated section of management insights takes management lessons from the stories on self-development skills/ essential skills/ soft skills and are included in a more lucid form.